Barbour County Commission
Park & Rec App

• Security Deposit & Rental fee are required before this application will be considered.
• Organizations must submit a copy of Certificate of Insurance with application.
• Application approvals are on a FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE basis and are not considered approved until you receive an approval notification from the Park & Recreation Board.
Address of Contact Person:(Required)
Effective Jan 1, 2019 a refundable deposit (rates below) check is required for any facility/event. Your deposit will be returned to the address above after your event if the facility is left in satisfactory condition.

Refundable deposit rates: $50 for facilities priced at $75 & below $75 for facilities priced at $100 $100 for facilities priced at $500 and up.

Facilities Requested:

Price is per day.
Park Area Reservations available March 1 - November 15
Effective Jan 1, 2019 a refundable deposit (rates below) check is required for any facility/event. Your deposit will be returned to the address above after your event if the facility is left in satisfactory condition.

Refundable deposit rates: $50 for facilities priced at $75 & below $75 for facilities priced at $100 $100 for facilities priced at $500 and up.
Deposit will be forfeited if any policies are broken or cancellation is not given 15 days prior to event.
Include set up & clean up time. Include Arrival Time and Departure Time.
Understandings and Agreements

1. I will not carry onto the grounds, consume, or sell any food or beverage with alcoholic content.
2. Rental of entire park area and/or fairgrounds will be negotiated with the Barbour County Parks & Recreation Board.
3. Fundraising activities are subject to Barbour County Parks & Recreation Board contract negotiation.
4. Regular facility patrons may be eligible for an annual fee.
5. Sponsor of sponsored events are directly responsible for insurance & policing of the grounds, facilities and equipment.
6. Organization or contact person is responsible for returning everything (tables, chairs, etc) to original location or storage area where taken from.
7. Trash is to be put in trash bags, removed from the trash cans and deposited in the trash dumpster by the concession stand/bathroom area in the Park or Quonset Hut.
8. Reservations will be accepted beginning January 1 for the current year.
9. Fairgrounds maintenance will complete a checklist following the event to determine if the deposit is refundable. If the facility is left in satisfactory condition, the deposit will be returned within one month of the event to the address listed.
The undersigned representative of the individual / organization listed above has read the attached list of understandings and agreements and assure the Barbour County Parks & Recreation Commission of the willingness of the application organization to abide by these directives.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY


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